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in puzzel by (847k points)

The answer to the crossword puzzle clue "wat is de straf voor de meeste verkeersovertredingen?" is indeed GELDBOETE (8 letters).


GELDBOETE is the Dutch word for "fine," which is the most common penalty for traffic violations in the Netherlands. The amount of the fine depends on the severity of the offense. For minor offenses, such as speeding slightly over the limit, the fine may be as low as € 3,-. For more serious offenses, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the fine can be as high as € 2.400,-. In addition to a fine, offenders may also be subject to a points deduction on their driving license or even a driving ban.

Here are some other Dutch words that could potentially fit the clue:

  • BOETEBEVEL (10 letters) - traffic ticket
  • STRAFBEVEL (9 letters) - penalty notice
  • SANCTIE (7 letters) - sanction

However, GELDBOETE is the most likely answer due to its exact length and its direct translation to "fine." It is also the most common term used in Dutch to refer to the financial penalty for traffic violations.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

1 Answer

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by (847k points)
Best answer

Een boete is een bedrag dat betaald moet worden naar aanleiding van een overtreding.

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